Naturli’ vegan block is my favorite vegan butter to buy when in Europe, for both taste and environmental impact. I actually featured it on this blog last summer after buying it in Ireland (it’s a Danish company). Technically, this blog focuses on products that I’ve found at the Grocery Outlet, a US discount store that helps avoid food waste (see this GSP post on the Grocery Outlet for more detail). Every now and then, however, I’ll feature a product that I’ve bought elsewhere, if I think it’s noteworthy.

Imagine my delight when I found Naturli’ vegan butter at the Grocery Outlet last week! (Yes, I’m easily delighted, I know.) So now my original Naturli’ post is relevant for Grocery Outlet shoppers. It costs $3.49 for a 200 gram block of Naturli’ organic vegan butter at the Grocery Outlet. That’s around 7 ounces. Here’s George Washington to explain the difference:

Please see that earlier blog post for the full review of Naturli’ vegan butter, but here are a few quick details:

Naturli’ plant-based butter is palm oil free

I was quite frustrated about how difficult it is to find plant-based butters in Europe that aren’t made from palm oil. The EU actually embraces palm oil for products like soap and vegan butter, but the EU policy on sustainable palm oil is inadequate. RSPO-certified is not good enough. So I was excited to find the Naturli’ product and try it out.

Naturli’ tasted better than other vegan butters on sale in Europe

This wasn’t a comprehensive taste test, but I set up a blind tasting panel of four vegan butters for my family and Naturli’ came out clearly on top. The candidates and their ingredients were as follows:

  1. Naturli’ Vegan Block: shea butter oil (43%), water, coconut oil (21%), and rapeseed oil (11%), all organic.
  2. Dairygold Plant-Based spread: rapeseed oil, water, shea butter, and coconut oil.
  3. Flora Light: water, rapeseed oil, palm oil, sunflower oil (4%) and linseed oil.
  4. Olive Spread (from Aldi): water, palm oil, olive oil (21%), rapeseed oil.
Naturli’ Vegan Block and Plant-based Dairygold are shown on either side of a plate containing two halves of a slice of toast spread with the two butters.
Naturli’ Vegan Block versus the runner-up (Plant-based Dairygold) in my blind tasting test.

Naturli’ vegan butter is organic

You may have noticed that already. Here are the ingredients:

Naturli’ vegan block ingredients: Shea butter oil* (43%), water, coconut oil* (21%), rapeseed oil* (11%), salt, almond* (1%), emulsifier (sunflower lecithin*), carrot juice*, lemon juice*, natural sunflower oil flavour.    *Organic.

Naturli’ Vegan Block is shown next to a panel listing Nutritional Content per 100 g. Naturli' vegan butter contains 75 g fat (39 g saturated fat). 0.5 g carbs, and 0.5 g protein per 100 g.

My overall score for Naturli’ Organic Block: 4.5 Green Stars

My scores (out of 5) for Naturli’ vegan butter (see my original post on Naturli’ organic vegan block for details):

  • 5 gold stars for quality and value
  • 4.5 green stars for social and environmental impact
Naturli’ vegan block is pictured. Below it is a graphic showing a score of 4.5/5 Green Stars for social and environmental impact.

If you have a different opinion, please share your rating! Until next time, stay safe : )  

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